A Brief History Of The Evolution Of Vintage Comics

A Brief History Of The Evolution Of Vintage Comics

For hundreds of years, comics have already been in print, and collectors have classified them into five periods: platinum from 1897 to 1937; 1938 to 1955 Golden Age; 1956 to 1969 Silver Age; 1970 1979 Bronze and 1980 until the existing modern era. The value of vintage comics is based on status, rarity, name, and issue. Several of the famous titles are Spider Man, Green Lantern, Superman, Batman, Incredible X Men and also Hulk.

Among the first comics to be published was Hogan’s Alley in 1895 and featuring the original main character and speech bubbles. The Yellow Kid in McFadden’s Flats was published in 1897, which made the phrase from the comic and this also indicates the beginning of the Platinum Age, which continued until 1937.

Right after the newspaper comic strips, Jeff and Mutt were reprinted as publications, and publishers also began testing regular books, which had been offered for ten cents at newsstands. The pre-superhero comics were primarily detective stories, exotic travel, thieves, and adventure. The initial costumed hero was definitely The Phantom, which was made available in 1936 in a black mask and purple outfit.

The Golden Age began in 1937, along with the comics, previously designed for adults, and were now much more youth-based. During 1938, a groundbreaking new series called Action Comics # 1, available as Superman’s first comic character with superhuman abilities. Batman was available in the following season in Detective Comics # 27, considerably braver compared to Superman, and much more mystical than superhero comics at first.

In 1939, Superman received his own book, and this particular new format had become the standard for American comics. The Golden Age continued until 1955 and featured characters like Captain Marvel, Captain America, The Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, The Specter and the Flash.

Source -: 8muses
